

CVE-2024-1086 is a critical vulnerability in the Linux kernel that allows an attacker to gain full root privileges on a wide range of systems. This exploit, dubbed CVE-2024-1086 or as I call it, the Dirty Net table, targets a double-free bug in the nf_tables component responsible for the popular iptables firewall.

By exploiting an input sanitization failure in netfilter verdicts, there;s an exploit developed that enables dropping a universal root shell on hardened Linux kernels from version 5.14 all the way up to 6.6.14 with an crazy 93-99% success rate. Yes, you read that right - kernels as recent as 6.7.2 are vulnerable!

Whether you're running Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, or even Google's kernel hardening levels on KernelCTF, this exploit will let attackers punch right through and gain unfettered root access with only a basic foothold. So get patched for this critical vulnerability and keep your servers safe.


Building the exploit

git clone && cd CVE-2024-1086


chmod +x exploit && ./exploit

Success Message

An image to describe post

Failed Exploit Message

An image to describe post

How it works